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Questions tagged [ichthyology]

Questions relating to the study of fish or icthyology.

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What is (was) this fish carcass found on an eastern Long Island beach?

An acquaintance sent me these photos of fish remains that they found on a beach on the east end of Long Island, NY. The site lies near Gardiners Bay near a channel that is used by trawlers travelling ...
That Idiot's user avatar
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Is the fatty material found in the abdomen of farmed white fish comparable in Omega 3 content to farmed oily fish?

We are advised to eat oily fish. For example the UK government advises "that people should eat at least two portions of fish a week, of which one should be oily". A commonly available oily ...
User65535's user avatar
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How do high concentrations of carbon dioxide suffocate fish?

How do high concentrations of carbon dioxide suffocate fish? It is common knowledge in fishkeeping that high concentrations of carbon dioxide are harmful to and can even kill fish. I am trying to ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Do gastropelecid hatchet fish have powered flight?

These sites contradict each other: Source 1 claims that hatchet fish do not fly, but simply jump out of the water instead: 'Species that were once thought to have powered flight, the Pantodontidae ...
Harrychink's user avatar
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Converting m/s to body lengths / s

I am trying to calculate speed of fish in body lengths / s. As of now, I have speeds for each of my individuals in m/s. To convert each individual fish's speed in body lengths / s (bl/s; using each ...
fishlakeslimno's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can a school of 'suction cup' fish block the gills of a predator as a defence mechanism?

(This is about a FICTIONAL FISH - I MADE UP THE FISH. To my knowledge, this concept is not based on any real principles or precedents.) Now, this fish has a strong capability for suction, and very ...
Valitenci's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Why can't fish extract oxygen from air?

I've read many posts here and elsewhere for example: Wikipedia where breathing is well described, but does not answer the question (or anything close.)# Wikipedia Gills, more specific, but still ...
Mah Neh's user avatar
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How often do birds steal from fish traps?

Does anyone have any solid information about how often birds (e.g. cormorants, mergansers, gulls etc) steal fish from any sort of fish trap? Fish traps include, but are not limited to, fyke nets, ...
JuhaniH's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Male and female seahorses: which is which

Seahorses have two sexes. One has mobile gametes, the other gives live birth. I imagine that a biologist who discovered the seahorse would initially call the first "male" and the second &...
Wouter's user avatar
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Is there a database for fossilized coral reefs that have been reported?

Given that coral lives only up to 5,000 years, and I assume marine biologists have maps of where all known living reefs are around the world for research and monitoring, where can I find information ...
SeligkeitIstInGott's user avatar
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Identifying fish or shark jaw bone

I found this on the beach of coastal southern Maine in early March. The teeth are not a single row and lighter is for size comparison
Cheryl's user avatar
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Can a broken Swordfish's bill bone regrow?

The Broadbill Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) is characterized by a long bill or a "sword" which is an extension of its upper lip bone. The swordfish uses its sword in fighting, including ...
Triceratops's user avatar
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8 votes
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Identification of a strange skull

My father is a fisherman in the Baltic sea, and he has found this very strange skull. I would like to know to which animal it belonged. Can someone help identify it?
BassAstral's user avatar
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How do atherinidae survive the drought?

I found isolated pools in which there are Atherinidae, through the pebbly shores of Piave River (North-East Italy, Europe - in attachment there is a picture of the remainder of shores, after the ...
user305883's user avatar
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How does Anabantoideis' labyrinth function? What does it look like?

Anabantoideis are fish with an organ that allows them to take oxygen directly from the air outside of water. However, I cannot find much on how this functions, nor can I find any clear image of what ...
E.UCIT's user avatar
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Why and who: named some fish "bashers" (African electrofish taxon "stonebasher")

Folklore question for itinerant elephantfish/electrofish experts happening to see this:Is any stonebasher fish named for a behavior related to bashing... something or some part of its anatomy against ...
Ayer AGG'TDd'E-A's user avatar
1 vote
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Fresh Water Fish Identification

A couple of days ago I just adopted a group of 7 fishes, 2 inches long each, orange-pinkish color, a black dot before the tail, very fast, active and peacefull. Looks like a kind of tetra fish. Anyone?...
Lacobus's user avatar
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Where to find morphometric data for fish?

I need data regarding the aspect ratio for caudal fins of different Elasmobranchii. It should be some easily retrievable information but apparently fishbase doesn't have this type of data for many ...
Mirko's user avatar
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4 answers

Do schooling fish make sounds that predators could detect?

Do schooling fish make sounds, voluntarily or involuntarily? A general internet search for "schooling fish sounds" doesn't provide many answers, but I found a paper from 1960 describing ...
ASimonis's user avatar
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What are these animals, and what happened here?

While walking along the northern shore of Lake Ontario, I noticed the following strange scene: Here is a closer angle: What are these animals, and what is the likeliest cause of this?
416E64726577's user avatar
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Is the fin of ray-finned fish live tissue or more similar to scales?

In ray-finned fishes, are what exactly are the fins made of? Is it modified skin, dead tissue like scale or nail on humans, or something completely different? Can the fin heal?
jnovacho's user avatar
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In this aquponic tank, what are these three plants and could they be killing my beta fish?

I have a small aquaponic fish tank. In the tank there are two unknown types of water plants from a local pet store and the top there are three air plants from a local garden center. This tank was ...
KDecker's user avatar
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Are there taxonomic keys for members of the family poeciliidae in America?

I wish to know what are the taxonomic aspects necessary for the identification of certain species of poecilids, specifically what is the role in the counting of rays and spines and also the ...
hermes _124's user avatar
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What is a lamprey's tongue derived from?

Tetrapods have tongues derived from the 2nd gill arch and nearby muscles. Lampreys are not tetrapods, and lack jaws, yet they have a tongue. What structure was this tongue adapted from?
Ichthys King's user avatar
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Can anyone identify this fish?

I saw it in the sea very close to the beach in front of Starfish Hotel in St Lucia. It had some spines along its back and it seemingly had fins on each side that split open into 4. It used its front ...
dinoplaysrugby's user avatar
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Could the problem of overfishing be solved by throwing fertilized fish eggs at the right place and deepness into the sea? [closed]

I hear sometimes about over fishing and I wonder if the following idea could help to solve the problem. My idea is to throw fertilized fish eggs at the right place and deepness into the sea. These ...
user2602898's user avatar
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What Old World fish produces "white gems" in its brain?

In his ancient list of "white gems," Isidore of Seville mentions the "cinaedia," which he describes as follows: Cinaedia is found in the brain of a fish with the same name; it is ...
Doubt's user avatar
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Is it true that oxygen levels in water limits fish size?

This answer says that breathing water is inefficient, and that may act as a limiter to the size of fish. I've heard this in a couple of other places as well, but cannot recall the sources. However, ...
Charlim's user avatar
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Are there adaptations in tropical fish to compensate for less oxygen in water?

Warmer water means that the amount of gases- especially oxygen- dissolved in it reduces, since solubility of gases in a solution in most cases decrease with an increase in temperature. I'm interested ...
m-Xylene's user avatar
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How do schools of fish get enough oxygen?

Fish get oxygen from the water running over their gills, during which up to ~80% of oxygen is removed from the water. In schools of fish, how do fish swimming behind other fish get enough oxygen in ...
askwer's user avatar
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How many Watt-hours can an electric eel produce in a day?

Electric eels are cited as being about to produce about 860 watts of energy. But I haven't been able to find information on how long they can sustain their charge.
Johnny's user avatar
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Is amphibians being descended from fish reflected in the animalia taxonomy?

I think it is common knowledge that amphibians are descended from fish. At some point there was a transition from sea to land. But when I try to confirm this through the Animalia taxonomy, the ...
notacorn's user avatar
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-1 votes
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What fish is it?

I bought this 2 weeks ago, but i forgot to ask the seller, what fish is it. Currently the size is 1 inch.
Dini's user avatar
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Can the extinct Chinese Paddlefish be revived?

I learned that a rare and unique giant Chinese Paddlefish recently became extinct. I'm wondering if samples of DNA were collected by scientists to allow reviving of the specie in the future. My quick ...
Dima's user avatar
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Why are lungfish cartilaginous?

Lungfish have a cartilaginous notochord, and a reduced cartilaginous skull. Is this feature to improve flexibility, or is there another reason?
Ichthys King's user avatar
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How do fish persist in the upper parts of mountainous rivers with waterfalls?

I was recently traveling in a remote mountain region and hiking alongside a very small river. What caught my attention was the fish in the small ponds under the waterfalls. These ponds were just a ...
KarlKarlsom's user avatar
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What is the very hard sphere inside the eye of many common fish made of and how is it called?

Inside the eye of many common fish, like tuna, scad, snapper, actually probably all fish I have eaten, is a small sphere made of some very tough substance. This sphere is even hard to crush with teeth,...
lowtoxin's user avatar
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What fish is this?

I was out snorkeling at Biscayne Bay in Miami, Florida in the shallow waters near the shore when I saw this fish. What fish is this? I see it has black spots at the bottom and five white lines along ...
Jossie Calderon's user avatar
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How to calculate water pressure (Kpa/Mpa/PSI) with depth in the Biofloc fish farming?

Can you tell us a little bit about the water pressure (Kpa/Mpa/PSI) with depth in the Biofloc fish farming and the calculation of Kpa ​​/ PSI / Mpa so that one can understand which air pump machine ...
BSFU's user avatar
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How do fish transport egg to, and out of, coelom?

How do gametes get into coelom, and, later out of it? Excretion can be under quite heavy pressure, see
Malik's user avatar
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What external signals do tell catadromous fish to go from the sea to the rivers?

What signals do tell catadromous fish to go from the sea to the rivers? Is it photoperiodicity? Are there any other signals?
vengaq's user avatar
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What kinds of fish tend to have a rapid death after being caught?

I am asking this question because I am trying to make my diet less cruelty-oriented, for this reason this question can be related to trolley problem since I am coping with an ethical problem trying to ...
Siderius's user avatar
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Is it humane to kill fish by immersing them in very cold water or ice slurry?

I'm doing some research and advocacy for the humane treatment of wild-caught fish. Humane standards are more common on fish farms than at sea, so I am trying to identify some reasonable standards for ...
Chris Reece's user avatar
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Is there an adhesive that could used for larval fish?

I am currently working on an experimental design that requires a larval fish (~ 4mm long) to be affixed on a metal wire tip on its dorsal side. Now, I was thinking of a glue or adhesive to do the job, ...
Macx Jigger's user avatar
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Which fishes produce alarm signals to warn other group members about in coming predators

Atlantic Goliath Groupers are fishes which produce unique low frequency sounds to mate and when approached by predatory fish . The sounds produced when approached by a predator (or even a scuba diver) ...
akshit.C's user avatar
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DNA like marine animal or egg

What is the name of the marine egg or living being that is transparent like a jelly fish or a Venus girdle, with a shape like a DNA or better like a chain of infinites, long as half of a hand and ...
AMDP's user avatar
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9 votes
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What kind of fish is this white blue-stained fish?

This fish has been spotted at the Great Barrier Reef near Cairns (Queensland). I put a big effort to find it via Google but never could encounter anything similar. I have also made an attempt to find ...
Capo Mestre's user avatar
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What type of fish is this

I saw this fish in an aquarium in a nearby house .I am not sure which species and sex this fish belongs to. [![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]:
Anett Göbel's user avatar
7 votes
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Never caught this fish before

After catching a bunch of mangrove snapper using live shrimp, my son caught this fish in about a foot of brackish saltwater water off a dock near a rock wall in Vero Beach at around 10:00 AM on July ...
Rich Tarpey's user avatar
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What kind bottom feeder is this?

It’s about 2 1/2 inches long and had a little tail on the end. Also has short feelers that almost look like a moles.
Caleigh's user avatar
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