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Questions tagged [conservation-biology]

The study of biodiversity with the applied goal of learning how to protect species, habitats, and ecosystems from change, particularly that caused by non-natural effects.

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Data treatment for long-term mark-recapture study

I am looking to calculate population estimates for two species at a site where mark-recapture work has been conducted since 2010. Due to the long-term nature of the study, I an open population model ...
user89504's user avatar
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Datasets for Genetic Diversity of Species Across Geographical Distribution

I'm carrying out some research on applying machine learning methods to ecology and conservation. I'd like to know: are there some datasets on genetic diversity across geographical positions? ...
Shiran Yuan's user avatar
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Should I scare the swan to help him survive?

There's a young swan in my local park. He is young and I don't see his parents around. The young swan isn't affraid of humans and one can easily feed him from one's hand, and even pet on his head. But ...
user46147's user avatar
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How do atherinidae survive the drought?

I found isolated pools in which there are Atherinidae, through the pebbly shores of Piave River (North-East Italy, Europe - in attachment there is a picture of the remainder of shores, after the ...
user305883's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

A level 2022 Biology percentage increase question [closed]

In January 2022 WBI12/01 they asked: 9c. In 1963, there were only three males and 12 females of C. hoodensis left in the wild. These 15 tortoises were used in a breeding programme. ii.The wild ...
Rayan's user avatar
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Can the extinct Chinese Paddlefish be revived?

I learned that a rare and unique giant Chinese Paddlefish recently became extinct. I'm wondering if samples of DNA were collected by scientists to allow reviving of the specie in the future. My quick ...
Dima's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Violation of Conservation of energy In food chain?

Food chains use a unidirectional transfer of energy. Plants absorb energy from the sun, then the energy goes on to next tropic level and so on. But in this system, energy source is the Sun. ...
neel g's user avatar
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Do conservation oriented genetic database exist?

Are there any projects for the creation of the international genetic database of all endangered species, so we, at least, have a chance to clone them in the future if our current conservational ...
Мікалас Кaрыбутоў's user avatar
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Did the Broadbill Swordfish population fully recovered?

Regarding the Broadbill Swordfish Xiphias gladius: I read Richard Ellis "Swordfish: A Biography of the Ocean Gladiator", Chicago University Press, 2013. The chapter about industrial-strength fishing ...
Triceratops's user avatar
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Is there a record of species kept in zoos worldwide and number of individuals? If yes, can one have access to it?

Looking for the number and species of wild cats kept in zoos to assess the potential pool of individuals available for reintroduction programmes.
Cécile Thiaucourt's user avatar
-2 votes
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What is the type of conservation in which seed banks are an example? [closed]

Firstly I think this question is quite ambiguous (I did not come up with it) so sorry. I have only come across 4 'types' of conservation: environmental, animal, marine, and human conservation. I am ...
Ben Hughes's user avatar
8 votes
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Is there any example of living beings destroying their environment?

I had an argument with someone about mankind being the only being destroying its own environment. I don't think this is true, yet, I cannot provide any example of significant importance. Are there ...
JDoe's user avatar
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How can census population size be smaller than the effective population size in some species? is that possible?

The only way I can think this could happen is through a recent population bottleneck. Can it be possible though ?
Ioannis's user avatar
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What is the impact of the invasiveness of the European Starling in North America?

Currently there is a campaign to eradicate the European Starling from North America because of its threat to other species. Are there actual data regarding the extent of the ecological risk to native ...
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Save endangered parasitic species?

It seems to be an important issue the parasitic control and even some pursue the eradication of some species. Most of the researchers in parasitology are focused on the host damage and population ...
Sofía Chanfles's user avatar
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Is this lizard protected or endangered?

We think that it's a type of alligator lizard. It was found in the open space area near my home in Moss Beach California (about 10 miles south of San Francisco). Thank you!
Joanie Hooper's user avatar
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3 answers

Why our bees might have suddenly disappeared

We have a large garden in Bedfordshire, UK, next to woods and to arable fields currently planted with intensively farmed rape. We usually have many bees in the garden. Earlier this year, things were ...
emrys57's user avatar
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Is there software or a website where I can browse extinct species?

Is there any software/website where I can browse for extinct species? It must be based on real animals that are now extinct. It may be in animated versions.
Abuzar Manzoor's user avatar
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Do people even notice when insects other than butterflies and beetles go extinct?

Lists of endangered animals only include beetles and butterflies if they bother to mention insects at all. Here is an example from where I live: All of the ...
futurebird's user avatar
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How would cloning affect conservation of rare species?

Many species are at risk of extinction, and cloning could be seen as a relatively quick method to produce large numbers of members of the species to aid in conservation efforts, especially if the ...
March Ho's user avatar
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How does the introduction of clones would affect population genetics? [closed]

Since the ability to clone animals gives another way to preserve species, this could help for the breeding process. It has been noted that with the ability to clone animals, endangered species can ...
kristy's user avatar
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Conservation Ex Situ

This came up in my biology diversity course and I wanted to raise a question about it. On the topic of ex situ, one of the presentations that a speaker mentioned that one of its disadvantages is ...
vik1245's user avatar
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What is projected to go extinct first? [closed]

Though a number of animals have been going extinct at alarmingly quicker rates (so called anthropocene extinction), a number of 'star' threatened animals are still alive. Which of the following ...
Display Name's user avatar
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Is it theoretically possible to restore the Tiger population to 100,000?

The current global Tiger population is roughly 5100 according to Wikipedia. With habitat destruction and poaching continuing and no effective improvement in conservation, most likely the Tiger ...
math_lover's user avatar
19 votes
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Was the recent "conservation hunt" of a black rhino supported by science?

CNN recently covered a sanctioned black rhino hunt in Namibia by Texan Corey Knowlton, who bid US$350,000 for the license. In the story, he claims that the hunt was actually supporting conservation of ...
MattDMo's user avatar
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How can we calculate the minimum sustainable number of the panda population?

I have a degree in Biology so I'm a little embarrassed that I never learned this, but... How do we know 1600 Pandas isn't enough? I know that we have historical numbers (although I couldn't find ...
Jasmine's user avatar
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Can "human exclusion zones" in national parks for preserving Wolves and Grizzlies be a good idea?

There are National Preserves in the National Parks where some human activities are permitted. But can it make sense to create "exclusion zones" so no human would be permitted in a certain area, not ...
fahadash's user avatar
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About the plight of Elephants and efforts to conserve them? [closed]

Poachers are only after the ivory horns right? I read this story from the New York Times ( I think) of saving a Rhinocerous by some Park Rangers and a Vet. ( forgive spelling) ; they tranquilized the ...
user128932's user avatar
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Conservation Genetics - Book recommendations

Can you please give me some advice for a book in (evolutionary) conservation genetics that offers an in-depth review of the mathematical formulations used in this field. I read the book Evolutionary ...
Remi.b's user avatar
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Silene virginica Endangered in FL

Why is Silene virginica, colloquially known as Fire Pink, endangered in Florida? What factors besides human industrialization are affecting its survival there?
user6622's user avatar
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Advantages of bisexual reproduction over asexual one toward species promotion? [duplicate]

Are there any advantages of bisexual reproduction over asexual one towards species conservation and promotion? Do animals that have two or more sexes have more chances to reproduce? Does anybody had a ...
lalessandro's user avatar
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Why does IUCN classify pistachio as a "Near Threatened" species?

When reading the Wikipedia entry on pistachio, I noticed that IUCN has classified the plant under "Near Threatened". On looking up its entry at IUCN, I see that its population is trending downwards, ...
prash's user avatar
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Could miniaturization be used to protect endangered large species? [closed]

In some animals (like dogs) size seems like it's controlled mostly by just a few genes (IGF1, and the genes that repress it). I'm curious: (1) Does other miniaturization takes a similar route (for ...
user228546's user avatar
7 votes
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Has Colony Collapse Disorder (or its equivalent) been noted in other species?

Colony Collapse Disorder is a well studied phenomenon relating to the decline of bee populations - has this disorder, or its equivalent, been observed in other colony-based species?
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Interdependency between organsims on our planet and its relation to ecosystem?

I am not a biologist but I just wonder if all species are interdependent. I mean if the tiger becomes extinct does it affect the ecosystem? If the mosquito or mouse become extinct does it affect the ...
munish's user avatar
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Change in conditions of an ecosystem lead to change in organisms

Let's think about the slash and burn method and its effects on the ecosystem. Cutting down trees that rise all the way up to the canopy would expose the plants at ground level to more light, so would ...
user3760's user avatar
10 votes
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If Evolution Is In Progress, Why Fight Extinction?

Natural selection is a central tenet of evolution. However, most biologists seem determined to prevent the extinction of the species that have been selected against. Why is this? Preservation of ...
Dale's user avatar
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Difference between biological control and introducing species for conservation?

I have a biology assignment and we have to explain various methods and strategies for conservation, two of which are: Biological control Introduced Species What is the difference between these? ...
Grace B's user avatar
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Smallest viable reproducing population

What is the smallest viable reproducing population, such as in a human population. By viable I mean a population which keeps genetic defects low (enough). A very strongly related question: what is ...
John Smith's user avatar
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