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Superbest's user avatar
Superbest's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
18 votes

What's the worst that can happen from eating too many spicy peppers? Can you die?

12 votes

Can I kill bacteria with distilled water?

10 votes

What is the difference between second and third generation sequencing

8 votes

Can human brain memory be removed by EMP?

8 votes

Can an insect poison itself with food?

8 votes

Does any animal species have two sexes and more genders?

6 votes

Will the heart keep beating if it's separated from the body?

6 votes

What is a suicide plasmid?

6 votes

Can humans survive without consuming life?

4 votes

How do I get a brighter DNA bands

3 votes

Cancer growth and cell division

3 votes

Why are there species instead of a continuum of various animals?

3 votes

When should you use a stringent plasmid?

3 votes

DIY extraction and long term storage of human DNA sample?

3 votes

Questions about RNA Polymerase

2 votes

Long term storage of agarose-ethidium bromide gels that have already been cast

2 votes

Are there any examples where 'magic bullet' drugs have worked in cancer treatment?

2 votes

Earliest to use media after autoclaving?

2 votes

How do you visualize RNA on a gel?

2 votes

Why do different pain killers have different effects on people?

2 votes

What would cause crows to be attracted to a human body?

2 votes

Is AT or GC content important in electrophoresis?

2 votes

Membrane potential after exposure to glutamate

1 vote

What makes us all different and similar to some extent?

1 vote

Comparing Shine Dalgarno scores, creating a distribution

1 vote

What do you see if you look at your own retina with the same eye? (optical feedback)

1 vote

Can 'hardware' thermalization explain memory decay?

1 vote

How do penicillin resistant bacteria grow slower in the presence of penicillin?

1 vote

Why do obese people tire quickly?

1 vote

What are the methods for infering genetic interactions?